Sunday, April 12, 2009

Strategic Partnership Agreement Between CTA Firm Genuine Trading Solutions And Leading Environmental Climate Change Consulting firm Karbone

TORONTO, April 2009 – CTA Firm Genuine Trading Solutions Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement With Leading Environmental Credit Brokerage and Climate Change Consulting firm Karbone.

Genuine Trading Solutions President and CEO, Dwayne Strocen and Karbone Executive Director Izzet Bensusan announced today a Strategic Partnership agreement. "The two companies will be pooling their resources to provide an enhanced product line of services to existing as well as future emitters of CO2 carbon emissions. The conception for this Strategic Partnership is in response to calls from North American customers to provide a more integrated service" says Mr. Strocen.

Working in a positive approach with Karbone to provide an enhanced service of OTC environmental credit brokerage is a step to providing greater integration of service in the form of both trading and managing risk. In working together, both companies can now provide a greater range of expertise to a largely fragmented industry. Mr. Bensusan says "We believe the marriage of the OTC market and the exchange traded market is the natural evolution of a fledgling industry". And he adds "Our partnership will allow us to much better serve both of our US and Canadian customers with an expanded service line and local knowledge"

Recent meetings between the leaders of Canada and the United States has brought a renewed response and positive reaction to a national commitment for the reduction of greenhouse gases in North America. Although specifics were not mentioned, it seems clear that government mandated regulation is not far off. Taking a significant step forward to pre-empt government regulation will place this company as a leading edge provider in support of the Kyoto Protocol, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Western Climate Initiative and the Specified Gas Emitters Regulation of Alberta.

"We are pleased to extend our expertise into this exciting marketplace and believe the real winner is the carbon industry as it evolves to the ever changing demands of its participants", says Dwayne Strocen, Genuine Trading Solutions President and CEO.

About Genuine Trading Solutions

Genuine Trading Solutions is a registered CTA firm specializing in exchange trading and risk management hedging of derivative products including carbon emissions on the worlds climate exchanges. The company is focused on providing a complete risk management service in reducing risk associated with adverse economic events, including greenhouse gases.

Recently Genuine Trading Solutions announced its intention to launch a new hedge fund initiative for the benefit of ethically minded investors to participate directly in the reduction of greenhouse gases and credits. The fund is clearly a viable choice for those investors interested in participating in socially responsible investing and making a statement regarding the environment.

About Karbone

Karbone is a global environmental credit brokerage and climate change consulting firm operating from its New York and London offices. The company advises its domestic and international clients on cost effective strategies and technologies to address climate change business risks. Karbone is founded on the principle of helping its clients to execute the most effective climate change strategy. Karbone bases this on ensuring its team has up to date knowledge on climate change related issues and environmental markets and access to the widest range of transaction capabilities for executing strategies. Karbone developed its climate change consulting and environmental credit execution group to meet the particular needs of our clients across multiple industries. This includes utilities, energy firms and specialized funds.

For more information please contact:

Genuine Trading Solutions Ltd.

Dwayne Strocen

Phone: +1 416 302 6282



Press Relations

Phone: +1 212 291 2900

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